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Showing posts from December, 2014

git / vim / tig utf8 setting

1) git : ~/.gitconfig [i18n]   commitEncoding = utf8 2) vim : ~/.vimrc (the file is cp949 but terminal charset is utf8) set encoding=cp949 termencoding=utf-8 fileencodings=ubs-bom,utf-8,korea,cp949 3) tig : ~/.tigrc set line-graphics = utf-8

make git_diff_wrapper

reference site: In fact, they need not be directly coded. Just get git-difftool. However, the following code would be useful to add what they want. 1) ~/.gitconfig [diff] external = git_diff_wrapper [pager] diff = 2) ~/bin/git_diff_wrapper #!/bin/sh # 1: orginal filename # 2: left temporary filename # 3: # 4: # 5: right temporary filename DIR_BASENAME=`basename ${PWD}` G_SZ_FN_LOG_FILE=/tmp/gitdiff_${DIR_BASENAME}_${PPID}.log G_SZ_FN_TMP_ENV_FILE=/tmp/gitdiff_${DIR_BASENAME}_${PPID}.env G_SZ_FN_RESUME_FILE="" DIFF_WC="" STIME=`date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S` SZ_TYPE="" DEF_ENV_MODE_NONE=0 DEF_ENV_MODE_SKIP=1 DEF_ENV_MODE_PROC=2 DEF_ENV_MODE_EXIT=3 G_SZ_ENV_MODE=${DEF_ENV_MODE_NONE} if [ -f ${G_SZ_FN_TMP_ENV_FILE} ]; then G_SZ_ENV_MODE=`cat ${G_SZ_FN_TMP_ENV_FILE}` fi if [ ${G_SZ_ENV_MODE} == ${DEF_ENV_MODE_EXIT} ];then kill -9 ${PPID} exit fi if [ "$2" == &q