1. tceetree (http://sourceforge.net/p/tceetree/wiki/Home/) tceetree could be useful for you when: you have the sources of an application written in C language; you would like to have a graphical representation of the entire or partial function call tree. If this is what you are looking for, follow these steps: Install (and compile) CScope . A compiled Windows executable can be found here . For a compiled Linux executable search the Web e.g. for a cscope RPM or Debian package. Install Graphviz . Go to your sources root directory and do: under Windows: dir /B /S *.c > cscope.files (/B = bare format, no extra info); under Linux: find . -name '*.c' > cscope.files ; that will recurse subdirectories and list all C files in cscope.files . execute cscope -b -c -R (build the cross reference only, don't compress it, recurse); run tceetree with cscope.out as input (default) to get tceetree.out...