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Showing posts from 2018

[docker/redmine] run redmine with sqlite3 in docker

Basic Rule:  I want to use "/home2/home/redmine" directory for redmine DB.  I want to use sqlite3 for redmine. 1. in host side  # adduser redmine 2. in host side. (go into dockers container for copying base files to host)  # docker run -it -v /home2/home/redmine/:/usr/src/redmine/HOST --name redmine -p 80:3000 redmine bash 2-1. in redmine container of docker : work dir is /usr/src/redmine  # cp -a config HOST/  # cp -a db HOST/  # exit 2-2. in host side : remove all docker contatiners  # docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) 2-3. in host side : chown directories.  # cd /home2/home/redmine  # chown redmine.redmine . -R 3. edit "/home2/home/redmine/config/database.yml" production:   adapter: sqlite3   database: sqlite/redmine.db   host: localhost 4. Run Redmine with daemonized.  # docker run -d -v /etc/passwd:/etc/passwd:ro -v /home2/home/redmine/DB:/usr/src/redmine/sqlite -v /home2/home/redmine/con...

[bash-script/gcc] check warning of make within git-diff of commit

When you need check "make warning" in specific commits, you can use this script to check just in some commits. This script takes some steps. step1. You must know your commit hash. : like abcd1234 step2. Checkout to your commit.  Like this, git checkout abcd1234. step3. You need output file that run make.  Try to run command "make &> myoutput" step4. Then run this. ./ abcd1234 myoutput You can download this script :